Scriffles: #Duststorm one, #Spring Nil. Abandoning the garden to the powers that be.

So I planted little bulbs in Winter hoping for tufts of little blue flowers in Spring.
I didn't get many and now even they are being shriveled by the duststorm.
I got up this morning to a perfect day and took this photo of a crisp blue flower for an idea I wanted to develop.
I sat down to work at my computer at 7am.
I rang my sister in Sydney when I saw the red dawn there via Twitter.
I worked to 11.30am and thought I must've been coming down with a cold because I kept sneezing.
When I looked out the window I saw the dust haze. I locked the house up.
At 2pm, just for fun, I checked the flower. I took another photo.
I didn't photoshop it in any way except reduce it in size.
By 4.30pm, orange light went - sucked the radiance out of the flower too.

Scriffles: If Humanity's a computer game then it's the same on all levels - just the environment changes.

Dust off
On the one hand, I've been itching to hose down the dust on the walls outside for a long, long, long, long drought.  On the other hand, I feel that
perhaps the dust is still blinding us if we think it's ok to hose down the car - a major reason for climate change - while we cannot water the garden 
to grow trees to curb global warming. Der! Hello? Consider the ripples....

I was on the treadmill tonight at gym chatting about music divas and music clips.
Mentioned this concern of mine about car washing and his response was that climate change is a natural event and nothing to be concerned about.
He has a 2m TV screen to play video games too. It's convenient I think to deny climate change when it would deny you the things you love.
Well I love my garden and I'm being denied. But these people aren't denying themselves. Sigh. *Sigh*.
And the advertisement on TV just says "best you start acclimatizing". Hmm. *SIGN*
Now the tune is: "From little things big things grow..."
Let's stop the GFC by buying 2-metre TVs.... I've heard of homes where the kids have no wardrobes and the family throw their clothes on the floor
but there's a wide-screen TV with surround sound in the lounge room. It's like when I worked in my dad's snack bar and parents who obviously 
didn't have a lot of money would tell their begging children that they had no money for chips but they'd drop $10 on a packet of cigarettes.
If Humanity is a computer game then it's the same on all levels - just the environment changes.

Scriffles: The Kurilpa Bridge only looks good from this angle. :(

This Public Works Dept photo is the first time I've thought that the Kurilpa Bridge had style.
From any other angle this Tall Ships Marina of a Bridge looks like a pick up sticks nest.
I know, it's a design miracle. So what?
This crook of the Brisbane River will have FOUR bridges - when the Hale Street flyover is done.
Do the words visual pollution come to anyone else's mind?
They built it and then discovered it was pretty low.
It made me nervous from the very beginning and I'm no engineer.
The elegant William Jolly Bridge is now Brisbane's Opera House.
They put the Toaster in front of the Opera House and now the lovely curves
of the William Jolly Bridge are now sandwiched between a design "miracle" and a flyover.
I love bridges. LOVE them. But not this.
My favourite is the Story Bridge.
I cross this bridge at least eight times a week.

I love crossing this bridge - reminds me of the excitement of going to the airport.
It was the easiest way to the airport before the Gateway Bridge was built.
Now, it's the way to work and the gateway home every day.
It's a joy - except when there's an accident or someone decides to do something rash.