Got up and found a little bee on my breakfast table. I like bees so I think it's a sign that perhaps
this funk I've been labouring under is over. I ran up a steep, tall hill four times this
morning. And I mean run. The first time left me in respiratory arrest but it got better once
my heart and lungs moved up a few gears. I used to always exercise in the mornings but
for a year or so I've switched to nights in the gym.
Going to start mornings again. I think it makes you feel much better throughout the day.
Bee was in some kind of funk too. Must've been exhausted carrying all that pollen around.
I picked some nastursum leaves and flowers and place them nearby. Figured he likes colour.
He perked up and flew off at some point when I wasn't watching.
Isn't he cute? Almost bought a flip video camera this weekend but when I asked where the
menu was the salesman said there really isn't one: it's just shoot and zoom and not real
good zoom. So when I weighed it all up - even though it is HD - I like macro photography
and the video on the little Powershots isn't too bad for blogging anyway.
So I'm $30O less in the red. Phew!
The Mad Men episode about the slide projector reminded me of this little case I bought somewhere second-hand for $9.
I don't know why. I don't have many slides. I just liked it. I use it as my foot rest.
So I planted little bulbs in Winter hoping for tufts of little blue flowers in Spring.
I didn't get many and now even they are being shriveled by the duststorm.
I got up this morning to a perfect day and took this photo of a crisp blue flower for an idea I wanted to develop.
I sat down to work at my computer at 7am.
I rang my sister in Sydney when I saw the red dawn there via Twitter.
I worked to 11.30am and thought I must've been coming down with a cold because I kept sneezing.
When I looked out the window I saw the dust haze. I locked the house up.
At 2pm, just for fun, I checked the flower. I took another photo.
I didn't photoshop it in any way except reduce it in size.
By 4.30pm, orange light went - sucked the radiance out of the flower too.
Felt like Hollyhocks - TWO years ago. Bought a pack of seeds.
Three plants survived. Finally I have Hollyhocks.
Relieved that they survived the duststorm.
Yesterday one bud opened. Today another.
Yipee! This one stands over a metre tall.
Dogs, they just trot past a leaf without even noticing it - unless another dog has peed on it.
More important priorities than colour they have - as Yoda might put it.
Whereas people? This leaf caught my eye as I walked to the car. I was struck by the colours.
I want this video somewhere I can find it when I need it. So here it is. Stolen from someone else's blog. Now it's mine. But I'm sharing... :)
I went along to hear a working Hollywood writer/producer, Paul Margolis, give a talk in Brisbane on Tuesday.