So I put some photos up on Flickr in the Ubuntu Artwork Group:
"Find your inner Koala":
So I put some photos up on Flickr in the Ubuntu Artwork Group:
"Find your inner Koala":
Munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch............BURP!......Watchya gawkin' @ me 4 bub????????????..............
Beat it Bub! ................................Leftovers anyone?
So we helped mum make strawberry jam. If you're a fan of her jams here's a photo essay of how it's made. Anna sells her jams at Brisbane's West End Markets most every Saturday.
Been emailing cute animal images to my sister's girls. Images like these Japanese squirrel things called momonga.
Got an image back today but not by email. See. Pirating, sharing, social media ... via Australia Post ... and Gmail.
Even if we couldn't scrawl or jot a line of language - we'd find a way to share.
Share a drink, share a meal, share a photo, share music, share a laugh, share a story, share gossip (unfortunately) ... who's gonna stop it?
Got up and found a little bee on my breakfast table. I like bees so I think it's a sign that perhaps
this funk I've been labouring under is over. I ran up a steep, tall hill four times this
morning. And I mean run. The first time left me in respiratory arrest but it got better once
my heart and lungs moved up a few gears. I used to always exercise in the mornings but
for a year or so I've switched to nights in the gym.
Going to start mornings again. I think it makes you feel much better throughout the day.
Bee was in some kind of funk too. Must've been exhausted carrying all that pollen around.
I picked some nastursum leaves and flowers and place them nearby. Figured he likes colour.
He perked up and flew off at some point when I wasn't watching.
Isn't he cute? Almost bought a flip video camera this weekend but when I asked where the
menu was the salesman said there really isn't one: it's just shoot and zoom and not real
good zoom. So when I weighed it all up - even though it is HD - I like macro photography
and the video on the little Powershots isn't too bad for blogging anyway.
So I'm $30O less in the red. Phew!