Munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch............BURP!......Watchya gawkin' @ me 4 bub????????????..............
Beat it Bub! ................................Leftovers anyone?
"Great return on investment!"
Money in - Money out.
Like an automatic teller.
A pitch like that, you'd be suspicious wouldn't you?
What if they started talking ROI? Make you shudder?
I discovered this the acronymn for "return on investment" when I read this link .... ( )
I had to Google ROI to understand what it was about!
If you heard someone talking about the ROI on a new property development you'd probably think : "What a load of .... "
Now if ROI was calculated to take the big picture into consideration so that it benefited, say the long-term health of the planet which supports all life - isn't that what they're trying to do with carbon trading?
Like one environmental scientist told me once: You can't see the economy from SPACE!
Jobs and the economy are a big part of the big picture but some things are inescapable, it's like counting calories.
4.3 kj = one calorie
1g of fat = 9.5 calories
1g of carbohydrate = 4 calories
1g of protein = 4 calories
1ml alcohol = 7 calories
There's no room for cheating or fudging the figures to suit your agenda.
In a tank of Madonnas, Ludo alone is concerned with dignity.
He doesn't like paparazzi but he made an exception: for me.
So you're lucky!
OK so I've dug up some old footage I took some years ago of fireworks over Brisbane.
I featured the bridge in a trailer I made to try to sell a movie script. Didn't sell.
So here's a quick edit I just did set it to some elevator music I made one night.
The tune is called laid-back country though Brisbane is no longer laid-back or country.
Not bad for a little Canon Powershot.
Correction: I looked up the score last night on the net and it said: 0-1. Apparently the final score was Brisbane 1 - Gold Coast 3.
We left before the end of the game to avoid the crush. There was almost 20,000 people in the stadium.
Good atmosphere.,8659,25902757-23210,00.html
....the cat's meow from Queensland...
.....too embarassing...