"I am the master of my fate.
"I am the captain of my soul."
"I am the master of my fate.
"I am the captain of my soul."
Art is a great sport to share with people you love - competitive and collaborative.
At Brisbane's Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) until April there's the Asia Pacific Triennial. http://qag.qld.gov.au/exhibitions/apt
So much fun: sand drawing, pattern experiments, sculptures, drawings, photography, videos... one afternoon is not enough.
Little guys love it to ... this is what gives me hope for the future of this country ... children's minds are being opened by public programs like this.
It has to improve the collective imagination of the nation.
Here's a video of kids enjoying: Liminal Air Descend, by Japanese artist Shinjo Ohmaki, another example of great tactile art that's being produced these days.
You learn more when you're having fun. You learn when you experiment. So I'm experimenting. I've used GIFs here so maybe they won't show.
And I've used a basic export to get a video file small enough to email to Posterous - hopefully it works.
Fingers crossed. I'm no genius as plenty of people will testify willingly.
Old King Cole lives at the Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
From the borderlands (ankle-high scrubby garden), an urban reptile scopes the cement plains inhabited by giants. Splat.
"Watermelon!" He whips under the coffee table to suck the juicy morsel. But he blows his cover.
He snatches up his prize and scampers away - gotta be easier than catching flies.
Life's a nursery rhyme for the urban reptile.
Australia's Winter Olympian figure skater Cheltzie Lee trains at the Canterbury Olympic Ice Rink.
Bet they are happy she qualified for the finals by putting in her best competition result ever: The Stats off the official Vancouver 2010 website.
We already live in a world of augmented reality.
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Perfect weather.
Will blog about X Media later this week.
Some interesting facts.
Some interesting people.