Scriffles: Psst! Do games sell like sex sells?

I don't know but I suspect that this kind of cheap paper bag game will thrill some people.
It's a paper bag tempt in the junk mail thrown onto suburban driveways. Anyone for some Christmas shopping?
My mum tells me it's full-steam ahead in the shopping centres already - as usual Christmas starts in October.
But I've already done mine so there's no need at all. Anyone want this bag?
I just wonder whether Westfield paid anything to the cost of this campaign - I suspect its just free advertising for them.

Wish I could fit a new Mac into this bag ;)

Scriffles: Emotiv's Epoc. Launching Dec.

Emotiv's Nam Do is also talking at the xMedia Lab tomorrow:
Emotiv, the company releasing the first mind-controlled computer game.
It is a brain-computer interface. It ships with a game: Emortal:
It costs $US299
It ships December 21 - a year later than anticipated. 
It is a machine which understands your conscious thought and emotion.
It uses a wireless headset called the Epoc which reads the brain's electrical activity, alpha waves, and your facial expressions.
The sensors (like a medical brain scan) has three detection modes: Emotiv, Affectiv and Cognitiv.

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Scriffles: Best Game Writing nominees are ...

Most of the people the Writers Guild of America has nominated for Best Game Writing have come from TV land where they worked as writers, producers, assistants, story editors: 

Read about the nominees.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine               Marc Guggenheim: 

Assassin's Creed II                          Corey May: