If doodling reveals how the mind works figure this one out.
Toilet seats on a bus headed for Bullshit...
Toilet seats on a bus headed for Bullshit...
Ratface wandered over a planet he no longer recognised.
Where had all the pretty ponies gone?
And it was then that he noticed the light being swallowed up by the darkness.
But this is not a black hole! cried he.
How can this be?
Of course! It's a rainbow.
Set myself a job to make this video animation for my Christmas DVD.
Not perfect but not bad for five hours work from scratch. Santa goes a-hunting reindeer.
Santa interrupts reindeer Ho-Down from Lisa Yallamas on Vimeo.
Just how does Santa catch his reindeer if they can fly and he can't? He's magic! Of course.
Atop the Australian Parliament House in Canberra sits a lone Parliamentary monkey, former-PM John Howard contemplating a blue moon and the Australian Wheat Board scandal.
The Cole Inquiry heard that the Australian Wheat Board made $300 million worth of bribes to Saddam Hussein’s regime
Terminator 4: Tony Abbott will terminate debt and waste and boats and, and possibly the economy.
Everything except the carbon footprint.