Telepathy by phone cells.

I've been saving funny images of animal faces for years - just in case I ever needed them.

I need them. Can I find them????.... NO!

But I found strips of negatives. For those of you born after Kodak went down - what's Kodak?

Well, just a brief time ago, in a land that looked a little like the one we inhabit but much slower....

I'm not sorry to get rid of film. I dropped these negs on the floor and they have dust on them - remember that too!

I was just reading a Tweet and it said something about cell phones but my mind flipped the words and I read phone cells...

I laughed out loud and had to read it again - boring it read cell phones. But imagine if there were such things as phone cells, like any other cell, like nano-cells or something to be implanted in your brain.


I think those of you who think that this picture is the right way up:

Will think this is a good idea.

And those of you who think this is the road to purgatory will think this is the right way up: 

There's no difference except orientation. 

Oh! But there's one thing missing: the negative.

Where's the negative in this picture?

Phone cells - like we might invent telepathy! What do you think?