When the Flip Video Camera tells you it's full after you've deleted all the video files - delete everything!

When it comes to Brisbane's suburban sprawl the egg's been cracked already but when it comes to a truculent Flip Video Camera there's a solution.

So I learned why the Flip Video Camera tells me it's full even after I've deleted all the video.

You have to delete every single file - not just the video files but also all the Flip programs that are installed on the camera when you buy it. Pretty scary huh?

And then you take the trash out after deletion. So then it prompts you to reinstall the updated programs - if you're connected to the internet. 

You start from scratch with a set of new files.

For a time there I feared you had to throw the thing away after using it up - since that's what happens with most consumer products.

Just had to throw out a printer because of a paper jam. 

Here's a shot of Brisbane from a Qantas flight. Qantas must have the flight path right over the city because Virgin never takes this path. Pretty ugly huh?