Scriffles: Psst! Do games sell like sex sells?

I don't know but I suspect that this kind of cheap paper bag game will thrill some people.
It's a paper bag tempt in the junk mail thrown onto suburban driveways. Anyone for some Christmas shopping?
My mum tells me it's full-steam ahead in the shopping centres already - as usual Christmas starts in October.
But I've already done mine so there's no need at all. Anyone want this bag?
I just wonder whether Westfield paid anything to the cost of this campaign - I suspect its just free advertising for them.

Wish I could fit a new Mac into this bag ;)

Wisdom from a book on Yoga For Chickens, by Lynn Brunelle. The Lost Horizon Pose. #Humour #humor #Quote

Page 61:
Chicken enters the gate.

One day, as Chicken stood outside the gate, the farmer called to her, "Chicken, chicken, why do you not enter?"
Chicken replied, "I do not see myself as outside. Why enter?"

Lost Horizon Pose:

The orientation of this pose speaks not only to the natural contradictions around us - the rising of the sun in the East, the setting of the sun in the West, for example - but also to the spiritual contradictions of the wisdom of Eastern philosophies with the Western search for the new. This pose increases the stamina and focus necessary to find balance in these contradictions.